Friday, September 21, 2012

Sentence Completion Questions Chapter 8

Chapter 8
176.   A(n) ______ spirit only causes more stress and strife; it is better to
forgive and forget.
a.  apathetic
b.  restorative
c.  flaccid
d.  vindictive
e.  fortuitous

177.   When we were renovating the old house, we found a(n) ______ of
$10 and $20 bills hidden inside the old laundry chute.
a.  odyssey
b.  matrix
c.  lament
d.  fodder
e.  cache
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501 Sentence Completion Questions

178.   Even though the pilot promised it was safe, Neil was ______ to fly
during a snowstorm.
a.  habitual
b.  overzealous
c.  pavid
d.  reluctant
e.  salacious

179.   Ron has few friends because he is ______ and cares only about
a.  mundane
b.  intrepid
c.  garrulous
d.  voracious
e.  egocentric

180.   The workers attempted to ______ the supervisor's authority by
negotiating terms with the clients themselves.
a.  contradict
b.  instigate
c.  resonate
d.  placate
e.  undermine

181.   The student failed his research paper because he chose to ______
material from a another author's work.
a.  authorize
b.  stimulate
c.  overrule
d.  plagiarize
e.  meditate

182.   The ______ old cowboy had a complexion that spoke of many
years in the desert sun, rounding up wild horses.
a.  secular
b.  suave
c.  turgid
d.  wizened
e.  truant

183.   The swimmer's back injury ______ his prospects for a gold medal
at the world championship competition.
a.  compelled
b.  advanced
c.  jeopardized
d.  maintained
e.  expounded

184.   As Ramiro strolled through his old neighborhood, he noticed
sounds and smells that were ______ of his childhood.
a.  belligerent
b.  malleable
c.  reminiscent
d.  recondite
e.  incessant

185.   Lynette had to learn the ______ of the insurance profession before
she felt comfortable describing products to her clients.
a.  lexicon
b.  classicism
c.  juncture
d.  cessation
e.  asperity

186.   Marta had to pay off her ______ to the credit card company before
she could get a mortgage.
a.  stipend
b.  liability
c.  remuneration
d.  concession
e.  consolidation

187.   The local high school issued a ______ on field trips until the bus
was repaired; then traveling could begin again.
a.  indispensability
b.  divergence
c.  moratorium
d.  subjection
e.  compulsion

188.   With Justine's ______ nature and passion for art, she would make
an excellent tour guide for the museum.
a.  volatile
b.  congenial
c.  servile
d.  fledgling
e.  trite

189.   Patrice was a(n) ______  girl when she was teenager—long-limbed
and constantly tripping over her own feet.
a.  blithe
b.  resolute
c.  ungainly
d.  preternatural
e.  conducive

190.   The employee's claim of being out with the flu did not seem very
______ because he returned from sick leave with a deep tan.
a.  inattentive
b.  inarticulate
c.  tactful
d.  plausible
e.  vulnerable

191.   The con man used his ______ to convince the elderly woman to
sign over her life savings to him.
a.  estuary
b.  melee
c.  flagrancy
d.  malleability
e.  wile

192.   Mike proved to be ______ throw after throw, hitting the carnival
dart game's bull's eye every time.
a.  sedentary
b.  temporal
c.  mediocre
d.  infallible
e.  infeasible

193.   Patrick, who was always joking, added ______ to the formal dinner,
which his sedate employer did not appreciate.
a.  contemplation
b.  ordinance
c.  tutelage
d.  levity
e.  sincerity

194.   Sunlight shining through a window was an obvious ______ in the
nearly every one of the artist's works.
a.  disjunction
b.  hindrance
c.  repugnance
d.  motif
e.  variance

195.   I like listening to Wesley go on about politics and social issues; his
opinions are ______ with my own beliefs.
a.  latent
b.  explicit
c.  consonant
d.  ensconced
e.  rife

196.   Most people will find the film silly and childish in its humor; the
most ______ viewers will find it downright crass and offensive.
a.  servile
b.  petulant
c.  fastidious
d.  arcane
e.  boisterous

197.   Even though he wanted to win the game, the coach felt that he
would be ______ if he let the injured quarterback continue to play.
a.  contentious
b.  remiss
c.  erudite
d.  stringent
e.  reputable

198.   The goal of any company is to have its product name become
______—constantly at the forefront of the consumer's mind.
a.  garrulous
b.  unctuous
c.  tremulous
d.  ubiquitous
e.  portentous

199.   During the holiday season, the ______ theme is "Peace on Earth,
Goodwill Toward All."
a.  mitigated
b.  arrogant
c.  controversial
d.  prevalent
e.  prestigious

200.   Our cottage by the sea offers many days of relaxation with warm
sunshine and soothing ______.
a.  zephyrs
b.  dervishes
c.  stanchions
d.  ebbs
e.  torques


176.   d.  Vindictive (adj.) means revengeful, hateful.

177.   e.  A cache (n.) is a hiding place for storing or concealing provisions
or valuables; a secret store of valuables or money, a stash.

178.   d.  Reluctant (adj.) means unwilling to do what one is being called
to do.

179.   e.  Egocentric (adj.) means caring only about or interested only in
oneself or one's needs.

180.   e.  To undermine (v.) means to subvert in an underhanded way.

181.   d.  To plagiarize (v.) is to steal thoughts or words in literary

182.   d.  Wizened (adj.) means withered or dry, especially with age.

183.   c.  Jeopardize (v.) means to put in jeopardy or at risk; a hazard or

184.   c.  Reminiscent (adj.) means calling to mind or remembering.

185.   a.  Lexicon (n.) is the vocabulary used in a language, profession,
class, or subject.

186.   b.  Liability (n.) is a debt or obligation; something for which one is

187.   c.  Moratorium (n.) is a temporary suspension or postponement of a
planned activity.

188.   b.  Congenial (adj.) means having a friendly or pleasant disposition,
sociable; having similar tastes, habits, or temperament; suitable
to one's needs or nature.

189.   c.  Ungainly (adj.) means clumsy or awkward.

190.   d.  Plausible (adj.) means apparently worthy of belief or praise.

191.   e.  Wile (n.) means an act or a means of cunning deception.

192.   d.  Infallible (adj.) means not fallible; completely trustworthy;

193.   d.  Levity (n.) is an inappropriate lack of seriousness or lightness of
manner; frivolity.

194.   d.  Motif (n.) is a recurrent theme or form in an artistic or literary

195.   c.  Consonant (adj.) means in agreement or accord, harmonious;
having similar sounds.

196.   c.  Fastidious (adj.) means paying careful attention to detail,
meticulous; difficult to please, exacting; extremely sensitive,
squeamish, especially in regard to matters of cleanliness or

197.   b.  Remiss (adj.) means careless in performing duties.

198.   d.  Ubiquitous (adj.) means being present everywhere.

199.   d.  Prevalent (adj.) means widespread or widely accepted;
predominant or extensive.

200.   a.  A zephyr is a soft, gentle breeze; a breeze that blows from the

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