Friday, September 21, 2012

Sentence Completion Questions Chapter 3

Chapter 3
51.   As ______ beings we live each day conscious of our shortcomings
and victories.
a.  sensational
b.  sentient
c.  sentimental
d.  static
e.  senile

52.   The curious crowd gathered to watch the irate customer ______
about the poor service he received in the restaurant.
a.  antiquate
b.  trivialize
c.  rant
d.  placate
e.  fetter

53.   The man's ______ driving resulted in a four-car pile-up on the
a.  burdensome
b.  charismatic
c.  exceptional
d.  boastful
e.  negligent

54.   Ron didn't know the rules of rugby, but he could tell by the
crowd's reaction that it was a critical ______ in the game.
a.  acclamation
b.  conviction
c.  juncture
d.  enigma
e.  revelation

55.   My ancestor who lost his life in the Revolutionary War was a
______ for American independence.
a.  knave
b.  reactionary
c.  compatriot
d.  nonconformist
e.  martyr

56.   The ______ sound of the radiator as it released steam became an
increasingly annoying distraction.
a.  sibilant
b.  scintillating
c.  diverting
d.  sinuous
e.  scurrilous

57.   It is helpful for salesmen to develop a good ______ with their
customers in order to gain their trust.
a.  platitude
b.  rapport
c.  ire
d.  tribute
e.  disinclination

58.   In such a small office setting, the office manager found he had
______ responsibilities that required knowledge in a variety of
different topics.
a.  heedless
b.  complementary
c.  mutual
d.  manifold
e.  correlative

59.   David's ______ entrance on stage disrupted the scene and caused
the actors to flub their lines.
a.  untimely
b.  precise
c.  lithe
d.  fortuitous
e.  tensile

60.   The settlers found an ideal location with plenty of ______ land for
farming and a mountain stream for fresh water and irrigation.
a.  candid
b.  provincial
c.  arable
d.  timid
e.  quaint

61.   The ______ seventh-grader towered over the other players on his
basketball team.
a.  gangling
b.  studious
c.  mimetic
d.  abject
e.  reserved

62.   Carson was at first flattered by the ______ of his new colleagues,
but he soon realized that their admiration rested chiefly on his
connections, not his accomplishments.
a.  reprisal
b.  adulation
c.  bulwark
d.  rapport
e.  retinue

63.   For a(n) ______ fee, it is possible to upgrade from regular gasoline
to premium.
a.  nominal
b.  judgmental
c.  existential
d.  bountiful
e.  jovial

64.   Searching frantically to find the hidden jewels, the thieves
proceeded to ______ the entire house.
a.  justify
b.  darken
c.  amplify
d.  ransack
e.  glorify

65.   The ______ deer stuck close to its mother when venturing out into
the open field.
a.  starling
b.  foundling
c.  yearling
d.  begrudging
e.  hatchling

66.   The police officer ______ the crowd to step back from the fire so
that no one would get hurt.
a.  undulated
b.  enjoined
c.  stagnated
d.  permeated
e.  delineated

67.   Jackson's poor typing skills were a ______ to finding employment
at the nearby office complex.
a.  benefit
b.  hindrance
c.  partiality
d.  temptation
e.  canon

68.   Through ______, the chef created a creamy sauce by combining
brown sugar, butter, and cinnamon in a pan and cooking them over
medium-high heat.
a.  impasse
b.  obscurity
c.  decadence
d.  diversion
e.  liquefaction

69.   The defendant claimed that he was innocent and that his
confession was ______.
a.  coerced
b.  flagrant
c.  terse
d.  benign
e.  futile

70.   Harvey was discouraged that his visa application was ______ due to
his six convictions.
a.  lethargic
b.  immeasurable
c.  nullified
d.  segregated
e.  aggravated

71.   The rebel spies were charged with ______ and put on trial.
a.  sedition
b.  attrition
c.  interaction
d.  reiteration
e.  perdition

72.   Keith was ______ in his giving to friends and charities throughout
the year, not just during the holidays.
a.  munificent
b.  portly
c.  amphibious
d.  guileful
e.  forensic

73.   Calvin reached the ______ of his career in his early thirties when
he became president and CEO of a software company.
a.  zephyr
b.  plethora
c.  vale
d.  nocturne
e.  zenith

74.   Although I'd asked a simple "yes" or "no" question, Irfan's reply
was ______, and I didn't know how to interpret it.
a.  prodigal
b.  irate
c.  equivocal
d.  voracious
e.  harrowing

75.   The high-profile company CEO was given an ______ for speaking
at the monthly meeting of the area business leaders' society.
a.  expiation
b.  honorarium
c.  inoculation
d.  interpretation
e.  inquisition


51.   b.  Sentient (adj.) means possessing the power of sense or sense-
perception; conscious.

52.   c.  To rant (v.) means to speak loudly or violently.

53.   e.  Negligent (adj.) means to habitually lack in giving proper care or
attention; having a careless manner.

54.   c.  Juncture (n.) is a point of time, especially one that is at a critical

55.   e.  A martyr (n.) is one who sacrifices something of supreme value,
such as a life, for a cause or principle; a victim; one who suffers

56.   a.  Sibilant (adj.) means characterized by a hissing sound.

57.   b.  A rapport (n.) is a relationship that is useful and harmonious.

58.   d.  Manifold (adj.) means many and varied; of many kinds; multiple.

59.   a.  Untimely (adj.) means happening before the proper time.

60.   c.  Arable (adj.) means suitable for cultivation, fit for plowing and
farming productively.

61.   a.  Gangling (adj.) means awkward, lanky, or unusually tall and thin.

62.   b.  Adulation (n.) means strong or excessive admiration or praise;
fawning flattery.

63.   a.  Nominal (adj.) means small, virtually nothing, or much below
the actual value of a thing.

64.   d.  To ransack (v.) means to thoroughly search, to plunder, pillage.

65.   c.  A yearling (n.) is a young animal past its first year but not yet
two years old.

66.   b.  To enjoin (v.) means to issue an order or command; to direct or
impose with authority.

67.   b.  Hindrance (n.) is an impediment or obstruction; a state of being
hindered; a cause of being prevented or impeded.

68.   e.  Liquefaction (n.) is the process of liquefying a solid or making a

69.   a.  To coerce (v.) is to force to do through pressure, threats, or
intimidation; to compel.

70.   c.  To nullify (v.) means to make invalid or nonexistent.

71.   a.  Sedition (n.) means resistance, insurrection; conduct directed
against public order and the tranquility of the state.

72.   a.  Munificent (adj.) means extremely generous or liberal in giving;

73.   e.  Zenith (n.) means the highest point of any path or course.

74.   c.  Equivocal (adj.) means open to two or more interpretations,
ambiguous and often intended to mislead; open to question,

75.   b.  Honorarium (n.) is payment or reward for services for which
payment is not usually required.

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