Friday, September 21, 2012

Sentence Completion Questions Chapter 16

Chapter 16
376.   If people continue to ______ the rainforests, soon they will
disappear from the earth.
a.  dominate
b.  frolic
c.  laminate
d.  neglect
e.  provoke

377.   My parents always seem to worry and ______ more about money
when tax season is approaching.
a.  proximate
b.  quibble
c.  supplicate
d.  dabble
e.  alienate

378.   While the king and the members of his court lived in the most
opulent luxury, the peasants in his kingdom lived in the most
______ poverty.
a.  abject
b.  incessant
c.  relinquished
d.  erratic
e.  lugubrious

379.   Samantha had an ______ trust in her grandfather, who was an
honorable man and kind to everyone he met.
a.  implicit
b.  insecure
c.  irreverent
d.  irresolute
e.  astringent

380.   Antonello searched the forest around his campsite for small
branches to ______ the fire, so he could eventually cook his dinner.
a.  stifle
b.  kindle
c.  suppress
d.  dissipate
e.  prohibit

381.   Although I meant it as a compliment, Zander ______ my remark as
an insult.
a.  construed
b.  eradicated
c.  truncated
d.  permeated
e.  redacted

382.   The sailor's ______ complexion bespoke his many sunny days at
the lookout post.
a.  swarthy
b.  syncopated
c.  pallid
d.  wan
e.  pasty

383.   Tanya is a ______ person, trusted by all who know her.
a.  porous
b.  voracious
c.  spurious
d.  specious
e.  veracious

384.   After the third relative was hired to an upper-level position, several
people quit the company, claiming that ______ caused a decline in
employee morale.
a.  carrion
b.  explicitness
c.  skepticism
d.  devotion
e.  nepotism

385.   Genevieve's stunning debut performance at the city opera has
earned her ______ from some of the city's toughest critics.
a.  antipathy
b.  insinuations
c.  destitution
d.  lamentations
e.  accolades

386.   The shaggy neon couch was a(n) ______ in the conservative room
decorated with earth tones.
a.  incongruity
b.  insinuation
c.  temerity
d.  reiteration
e.  intonation

387.   Harris tried to ______ his fear of flying when he boarded the
plane, but he could not curb his anxiety.
a.  accelerate
b.  expound
c.  maximize
d.  employ
e.  repress

388.   Gabi found that whenever she was confused about an idea or issue,
writing about it would help ______ her true feelings.
a.  vacillate
b.  elucidate
c.  wheedle
d.  deprecate
e.  indoctrinate

389.   After the powerful windstorm, Marie discovered a splintered and
fallen tree limb had ______ the vinyl lining of her swimming pool.
a.  extenuated
b.  calculated
c.  retaliated
d.  lacerated
e.  curtailed

390.   Johnny's good behavior in class yesterday was ______ by his
disruptive outbursts in Math this morning.
a.  abated
b.  negated
c.  reiterated
d.  mandated
e.  nominated

391.   Jason and Joshua made ______ plans to meet in the cafeteria to
study for the test, provided Jason's class ended on time.
a.  beguiling
b.  tenuous
c.  assured
d.  tentative
e.  promotional

392.   The professor's lectures were filled with excessive ______, lasting
much longer than was necessary to convey his ideas.
a.  verbiage
b.  herbage
c.  maliciousness
d.  portent
e.  intrigue

393.   Ming's blatant lie revealed that he suffered no ______ about being
dishonest to his parents.
a.  compunction
b.  repudiation
c.  vindication
d.  evanescence
e.  veracity

394.   Diane, always teasing, was known for her ______ , but as a result,
nobody knew when to take her seriously.
a.  jocularity
b.  servitude
c.  logic
d.  austerity
e.  inclemency

395.   "Absolute power corrupts absolutely," said Haines. "There is no
such thing as a(n) ______ who is not a corrupt and cruel ruler."
a.  imbroglio
b.  pedant
c.  despot
d.  agnostic
e.  archetype

396.   During his ______ in office the mayor made several controversial
decisions about city planning.
a.  treatise
b.  integration
c.  teem
d.  flout
e.  tenure

397.   Recovering from the tragedy, Helena found the ______ sunrise
reassuring, as it gave her something to rely on each and every
a.  hidden
b.  clairvoyant
c.  cognizant
d.  deft
e.  quotidian

398.   Flaws in Claire's opponent's chess game showed him to be ______,
and Claire knew her victory was assured.
a.  predatory
b.  indistinguishable
c.  ornery
d.  vincible
e.  resolute

399.   The ad didn't mention a specific salary; it just said "compensation
______ with experience."
a.  compulsory
b.  manifest
c.  prolific
d.  commensurate
e.  precluded

400.   The ______ she felt for shopping made it impossible for her to
walk by a sale window without stopping.
a.  providence
b.  blunder
c.  omission
d.  repulsion
e.  estrus


376.   d.  To neglect (v.) means to be careless about; to fail to care for or to
do; to be remiss about.

377.   b.  To quibble (v.) means to find fault or criticize for petty reasons.

378.   a.  Abject (adj.) means wretched, degraded, debased; of the most
contemptible or miserable kind; showing utter resignation or
humiliation, groveling, servile.

379.   a.  Implicit (adj.) means unquestioning or trusting without doubt;
understood rather than directly stated; implied.

380.   b.  Kindle (v.) means to cause to burn with flames; to ignite; to set
on fire.

381.   a.  To construe (v.) is to interpret or understand; to make sense of,
explain the meaning of.

382.   a.  Swarthy (adj.) means having a dark hue, especially a dark or
sunburned complexion.

383.   e.  Veracious (adj.) means truthful, honest; habitually disposed to
speak the truth.

384.   e.  Nepotism (n.) is favoritism for kin when conferring jobs, offices,
or privileges.

385.   e.  An accolade (n.) is an award or special acknowledgement
signifying approval or distinction.

386.   a.  Incongruity (n.) is the quality of being inappropriate or
unbecoming; not consistent in character.

387.   e.  To repress (v.) means to keep under or restrain; to curb or

388.   b.  To elucidate (v.) means to make clear or manifest; to free from
confusion or ambiguity.

389.   d.  To lacerate (v.) is to rip, tear, or mangle.

390.   b.  To negate (v.) means to nullify, invalidate, or deny.

391.   d.  Tentative (adj.) means provisional or uncertain; not fixed or set.

392.   a.  Verbiage (n.) means the use of many words without necessity.

393.   a.  Compunction (n.) means a feeling of uneasiness or regret caused
by a sense of guilt, remorse; a pang of conscience at the thought
or act of committing a misdeed.

394.   a.  Jocularity (n.) is the state of being jocular, which is characterized
by joking or jesting.

395.   c.  A despot (n.) is someone who rules with absolute power; a
dictator or tyrant.

396.   e.  Tenure (n.) means the term during which a thing is held; often
used in connection with career positions.

397.   e.  Quotidian (adj.) means occurring or returning daily.

398.   d.  Vincible (adj.) means conquerable, capable of being defeated or

399.   d.  Commensurate (adj.) means corresponding in size, degree, or
extent; proportionate.

400.   e.  An estrus (n.) is an irresistible impulse or passion.

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