Friday, September 21, 2012

Sentence Completion Questions Chapter 7

Chapter 7
151.   When we first meet Romeo, he is ______ over his unrequited love
for Rosaline.
a.  brooding
b.  ogling
c.  meandering
d.  embellishing
e.  groveling

152.   Because it had been worn and washed so often, Linus's favorite t-
shirt was tattered and ______ with holes.
a.  salvaged
b.  circulated
c.  riddled
d.  emulated
e.  congregated

153.   Henley's ______ remarks about my presentation did not bother me
because I knew I'd done a good job.
a.  derogatory
b.  voracious
c.  tactile
d.  capricious
e.  amiable

154.   Eels swim using a rapid ______ motion that propels them through
the water.
a.  dissipating
b.  undulating
c.  eradicating
d.  objurgating
e.  irritating

155.   Sick and tired of her boring job, Cecilia began to ______ what it
would be like to quit.
a.  ponder
b.  disengage
c.  negate
d.  relinquish
e.  alleviate

156.   The way my father likes to ______with any salesperson to see if he
can bargain for a lower price is embarrassing.
a.  striate
b.  variegate
c.  capitulate
d.  teem
e.  wrangle

157.   The ______ construction crew built large new buildings all over the
East Coast, wherever the demand for qualified workers took them.
a.  laconic
b.  irresolute
c.  itinerant
d.  parietal
e.  peremptory

158.   The CEO's large expense accounts proved she was a ______
spender with the company's money.
a.  injurious
b.  ineffectual
c.  liberal
d.  malignant
e.  insolvent

159.   Daniela found the unchanging rhythm of the musical piece to be
annoyingly ______.
a.  recusant
b.  monotonous
c.  irreverent
d.  coherent
e.  redolent

160.   The young, thin boy surprised his wrestling opponent with his
______ strength.
a.  fraudulent
b.  wiry
c.  frolicsome
d.  pretentious
e.  endemic

161.   The new actress's talents were severely ______ by the local critics;
she went on to be a distinguished member of a well-respected
acting company.
a.  underrated
b.  berated
c.  placated
d.  dissuaded
e.  interred

162.   To hide his insecurity, Barton often acted like a ______ so that he
could make people laugh.
a.  buffoon
b.  martyr
c.  neophyte
d.  plebian
e.  wraith

163.   When Arnold's grandmother began to complain about the
excruciating pain in her knees and legs, she was referred to an
______ specialist for a diagnosis.
a.  optical
b.  oral
c.  archeological
d.  osteopathic
e.  psychological

164.   Charlie's ______ behavior made it clear that he had been highly
educated in matters of etiquette.
a.  decorous
b.  surreptitious
c.  erratic
d.  caustic
e.  irksome

165.   Staring at the ______ crystal blue water of the sea, Eileen thought
she had never seen anything so beautiful.
a.  flamboyant
b.  appalling
c.  devious
d.  pristine
e.  fiery

166.   Wearing the designer's latest fashions, the ______ clothing model
sashayed down the runway.
a.  jaunty
b.  tranquil
c.  fanatical
d.  recessive
e.  contemplative

167.   Given his ______ nature, it was appropriate that he decided to be a
trial lawyer after law school.
a.  lackluster
b.  engrossed
c.  penitent
d.  litigious
e.  obsolete

168.   After her relationship ended, Patty, feeling ______, insisted on
playing sad love songs repeatedly.
a.  infallible
b.  plausible
c.  formative
d.  mawkish
e.  persuasive

169.   Sanji went abroad as a ______ young man; when he returned two
years later, he seemed like an experienced man of the world.
a.  sardonic
b.  egalitarian
c.  reticent
d.  callow
e.  loquacious

170.   Normally distinguished and reserved, Robert would act ______
when he joined his friends to cheer for their old high school team
at annual the homecoming game.
a.  indignant
b.  oafish
c.  poignant
d.  reputable
e.  obdurate

171.   The protesters were concerned that the proposed legislation would
have a(n) ______ effect on the state's nature preserves.
a.  scintillating
b.  deleterious
c.  insipid
d.  punctilious
e.  parsimonious

172.   Not swayed by his student's ______ flattery, the professor told him
that his grade would not be changed.
a.  forlorn
b.  striated
c.  undulating
d.  unctuous
e.  frowsy

173.   Tonya found Isaac's public declarations of his love for her ______
and embarrassing.
a.  necrotic
b.  intriguing
c.  witless
d.  malodorous
e.  pliant

174.   The young kitten had a ______ look on its face when it noticed the
menacing dog entering the yard.
a.  servile
b.  diligent
c.  scornful
d.  pavid
e.  optimistic

175.   According to pirate lore, a terrible ______ would follow whoever
opened the treasure chest.
a.  precursor
b.  precession
c.  rendition
d.  insurgence
e.  malediction


151.   a.  To brood (v.) is to be in deep thought, to think moodily or
anxiously about something; to cover over, as with wings, in
order to protect; to hang over, as of something threatening,
dark, or menacing, to loom; to be silent or sullen, sulk; to sit on
or hatch eggs.

152.   c.  To riddle (v.) means to pierce with many holes.

153.   a.  Derogatory (adj.) means tending to lessen in value, to detract or
diminish; disparaging, belittling, injurious.

154.   b.  Undulating (adj.) means characterized by a wavelike motion.

155.   a.  To ponder (v.) is to weigh carefully in the mind.

156.   e.  To wrangle (v.) means to bicker, dispute, create a noisy

157.   c.  Itinerant (adj.) means traveling from one place to another,
usually on a planned course; working in one place for a short
while before moving onto another place to work; wandering.

158.   c.  Liberal (adj.) means characterized by generosity or a willingness
to give freely in large amounts; untraditional or broad-minded
in beliefs.

159.   b.  Monotonous (adj.) means tediously lacking in variety; unvarying;

160.   b.  Wiry (adj.) means thin, but tough and sinewy.

161.   a.  Underrated (adj.) means undervalued.

162.   a.  A buffoon (n.) is a ludicrous or bumbling person, a fool; someone
given to clowning and amusing others through ridiculous
behavior; a clown or jester.

163.   d.  Osteopathic (adj.) means a system of medicine pertaining to the
bone and skeletal system.

164.   a.  Decorous (adj.) means characterized by good taste in manners
and conduct, exhibiting propriety or decorum, proper.

165.   d.  Pristine (adj.) means pure, fresh and clean, as if new; original or

166.   a.  Jaunty (adj.) means sprightly in manner; stylish or smart in

167.   d.  Litigious (adj.) means inclined to disagree or dispute, especially
in lawsuits; argumentative.

168.   d.  Mawkish (adj.) means characterized by excessive sentimentality;
overly emotional.

169.   d.  Callow (adj.) means lacking maturity or experience; immature,

170.   b.  Oafish (adj.) means acting stupid, goofy, or clumsy.

171.   b.  Deleterious (adj.) means having a harmful or adverse effect;
destructive, hurtful, noxious.

172.   d.  Unctuous (adj.) means characterized by insincere earnestness;
oily or fatty in appearance.

173.   c.  Witless (adj.) means foolish, indiscreet, or silly.

174.   d.  Pavid (adj.) means timid or fearful.

175.   e.  Malediction (n.) is a curse or a proclaiming of a curse against
someone; an imprecation.

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