Friday, September 21, 2012

Sentence Completion Questions Chapter 15

Chapter 15
351.   Teachers should not only be knowledgeable but also ______;
students should feel comfortable approaching them with questions
or problems.
a.  wheedling
b.  patronizing
c.  laconic
d.  affable
e.  frugal

352.   The pain medication Kristy received after surgery offered relief;
however, the overwhelming feeling of ______ was an unexpected
side effect, and she didn't like being groggy.
a.  extortion
b.  compellation
c.  acquisition
d.  affirmation
e.  lethargy

353.   The ski lodge had a window that looked out upon a beautiful
mountain ______.
a.  vista
b.  melee
c.  fray
d.  foray
e.  frieze

354.   The palace's great hall was rich in history and splendor, the walls
hung with ______ tapestries.
a.  mellifluous
b.  malleable
c.  prudent
d.  illusive
e.  ornate

355.   After weeks of heavy rains, the earth gave way; mud and trees
______ down the mountain swallowing cars and houses in their path.
a.  ascended
b.  inculcated
c.  aspersed
d.  hurtled
e.  entreated

356.   The ______ butter had been left in the refrigerator for years.
a.  complacent
b.  scandalous
c.  riveting
d.  dire
e.  rancid

357.   Several weeks of extremely hot, dry weather ______ the land, so
instead of rowing across a river, we walked across a cracked,
parched riverbed.
a.  oscillated
b.  desiccated
c.  subverted
d.  coalesced
e.  thwarted

358.   The pitcher's ______ workout regimen was the most grueling of all
his teammates, and he never took a day off.
a.  Spartan
b.  spasmodic
c.  exclusive
d.  turgid
e.  truculent

359.   Ethan's responses when he spoke on the telephone were ______
and he nearly always made his customers think he was rude.
a.  receptive
b.  laconic
c.  uncanny
d.  suave
e.  ponderous

360.   I was bored with the ______ conversation of my roommates and
longed for some intellectual stimulation.
a.  egregious
b.  pronounced
c.  vapid
d.  intriguing
e.  exonerating

361.   Ned's fear was ______ as he watched the 60-foot waves approach
his little boat.
a.  futile
b.  genteel
c.  innovative
d.  palpable
e.  detrimental

362.   Moving swiftly and gracefully through the backyard, the cat
suddenly ______ when she hit the thorny bush.
a.  recoiled
b.  recuperated
c.  invigorated
d.  fabricated
e.  throttled

363.   Although others were fooled by "Doctor" Winston's speech, Lily
knew him for what he was: a(n) ______.
a.  panacea
b.  charlatan
c.  prevarication
d.  accolade
e.  primadonna

364.   The task of building the cabin was a ______ one, but Rob was up
to the challenge.
a.  laborious
b.  venerable
c.  archaic
d.  cynical
e.  unbiased

365.   After the neighbor's stereo woke her up for the fifth night in a row,
Brenda felt ______ to complain.
a.  impelled
b.  rebuked
c.  augmented
d.  implicated
e.  destined

366.   Carter is writing a letter of recommendation that I can include in
my ______ for prospective employers.
a.  denunciation
b.  panacea
c.  dossier
d.  incantation
e.  restitution

367.   ______ laughter came from the upstairs apartment where Trang
was having a graduation party.
a.  Scurrilous
b.  Deleterious
c.  Fatuous
d.  Uproarious
e.  Malicious

368.   In the middle of his eloquent ______, the audience suddenly broke
into applause.
a.  ovation
b.  oration
c.  inclination
d.  provocation
e.  illusion

369.   I like the ______ style of these essays; they make complex issues
accessible by presenting them in everyday language.
a.  colloquial
b.  obsolete
c.  pristine
d.  exacting
e.  furtive

370.   A diamond ring is the ______ symbol of love and affection.
a.  precocious
b.  fugacious
c.  supplemental
d.  quintessential
e.  barbarous

371.   Allen's ______ distanced him from his family, but he was still
unwilling to apologize.
a.  regeneration
b.  contingency
c.  equivalence
d.  impenitence
e.  innovation

372.   Nothing will ______ my memory of the night we first met; the
images are forever burned in my mind.
a.  appease
b.  undulate
c.  inculcate
d.  efface
e.  truncate

373.   With the curtains drawn back, the room was ______ with warm
a.  recessed
b.  intruded
c.  suffused
d.  belied
e.  taut

374.   The devastating drought forced the ______ tribes of the rainforest
to leave their homes and venture into the modern world.
a.  indigenous
b.  puritanical
c.  indigent
d.  imminent
e.  munificent

375.   Jason's ______ approach to management included narrowing the
salary gap between the CEOs and office workers.
a.  stoic
b.  apathetic
c.  utilitarian
d.  endemic
e.  proactive


351.   d.  Affable (adj.) means easy and pleasant to speak to, approachable;
friendly, warm, gracious.

352.   e.  Lethargy (n.) is the state of drowsiness or sluggish inactivity.

353.   a.  Vista (n.) means a view or prospect.

354.   e.  Ornate (adj.) means richly and artistically finished or stylized.

355.   d.  To hurtle (v.) is to rush with great speed; to move violently with
great noise; to fling forcefully.

356.   e.  Rancid (adj.) means rotten or putrid.

357.   b.  To desiccate (v.) means to dry out thoroughly, become dry; to
make dry, dull, or lifeless.

358.   a.  Spartan (adj.) means rigorously severe (from the Greek city-
state Sparta known for its austere and rigid lifestyle); marked by
strict self-discipline; characteristically simple or frugal.

359.   b.  Laconic (adj.) means curt, concise, but expressing much in a few
words; brief and to the point.

360.   c.  Vapid (adj.) means dull, lacking life, sprit or substance; tedious.

361.   d.  Palpable (adj.) means tangible, noticeable; easily perceived and

362.   a.  To recoil (v.) means to jump back suddenly.

363.   b.  A charlatan (n.) is someone who makes elaborate, fraudulent
claims to having certain skills or knowledge; a quack, imposter,

364.   a.  Laborious (adj.) means characterized by hard work, exertion, or

365.   a.  To impel (v.) is to motivate; push or drive forward; propel.

366.   c.  A dossier (n.) is a collection of papers giving detailed information
about a particular person or subject.

367.   d.  Uproarious (adj.) means noisy.

368.   b.  An oration (n.) is a formal speech for a special occasion.

369.   a.  Colloquial (adj.) means characteristic of informal spoken
language or conversation; conversational.

370.   d.  Quintessential (adj.) is the best and purest part of a thing; the
most typical example of a thing.

371.   d.  Impenitence (n.) is the trait of refusing to repent; unwilling to
show regret for wrongdoing.

372.   d.  To efface (v.) means to rub out, erase; to cause to dim or make
indistinct; to make or conduct oneself inconspicuously.

373.   c.  To suffuse (v.) means to cover or fill the surface of, as in to fill
with light.

374.   a.  Indigenous (adj.) means originating or being native to a specific
region or country; also inherent or natural.

375.   c.  Utilitarian (adj.) means related to the ethical doctrine that
actions are right because they are useful or beneficial to the
greatest number of people.

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